The Best easy solution for your online search for TPMS
Many customers write to us asking how to check the TPS OE information for FREE. OBDResource released a totally free online search function for you quickly find out your vehicles’ TPMS info as well as OE information.
You can choose the make and year from the list, and after some clicks, you will find out the useful TPS information fit for your cars.
You can check by THIS LINK>>
Some Tips you need to know before using the TPMS relearn Tool:
- Your car must equip with the TPMS system and enabled. (You can see each tire’s PSI/Bar info in the dashboard)
- Before using the TPMS tool, you need to make the car into TPMS relearn mode.
- Follow the correct order to relearn each tire. FL-FR-RR-RL
- Layout the TPMS tool at the correct angle and the 9V battery must in GOOD condition.
- If any of the sensors make car horns, while others sensors not sound, that means you need to replace the sensor (Non-working sensor must be replaced.)
For some brands, you can find the relearn type is: O, which means you need the 3rd party OBD tool to make the car relearn.

OBDResource TPS10 Universal TPMS Relearn Tool>>