MB SD Connect 4 local and administration parameter settings

Most users have problem with MB SD connect4 local area connections settings and configuration settings. In the following parts, I will show you how to do these settings.

Step one: set SD connect 4 local area connection Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

IP address as:

subnet mask:

Step two: SD connect4 configuration change
Click “configuration” then a windows named “Warning” apears, says “Caution! Changing the
configuration can impair the fault-free functioning of the system. Do you want to change the

Step three: SD connect4 MUX register configure setting
Click “MUX” button, then in the multiple choice box, please click “Register/Configure”

Step four: Select the name for SDCONNECT
Select the name for SDCONNECT as 4

Step five: SD connect4 WLAN parameter road setting
Set WLAN parameters, Road including: ID address, Network screen, SSID (network name),
Encryption, key/
ID address:
Network screen:
SSID (network name): Road24h
Encryption: WEP/Hex

Step six: Sdconnect toolkit device configuration
SDconnect Toolkit administration information conclusion including:
General information, WLAN conficuration, LAN configuration

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